Last Updated: 2/12/24 2:09 AM PST
Important Notice: If a bill comes in later than 5PM on Fridays, check here for updates & changes! We will not be sending additional emails!
Clicking the bill number will allow you access to more information on the bill via OLIS.
IMPORTANT: You have up to 48 hours on most bills after the Public Hearing to submit your testimony. Beware, the time could be 24 hours on some, so testify now!
Clicking Submit Testimony Button below each bill in the list will allow you to fill out the testimony form online or upload pre-written testimony to OLIS.
Links are provided for more information, testimonies on various sites, including OLIS as featured testimonies.
The bill text, any submitted amendments and testimony that may have already been submitted is available in the tabs at the top of the OLIS webpage.
By Clicking the “Register to Testify” tab on OLIS, you can fill out the form to sign up to testify remotely through Microsoft Teams for the bill either via Teams Video or on the phone.
The bills below, of course, do not incapsulate all the bills for the coming week. Bills could also be added to committee agendas at any time and after the work to put this list together.
Are we missing bill? SUBMIT A BILL every Friday by 5PM for distribution in the weekly alert!
Fight for Oregon, Senator David Brock Smith, Rep. Court Boice, Rep. Virgle Osborne, Rep. Ed Diehl, Oregon Citizens Lobby, Oregon Cattlemen’s Assoc, Oregon People’s Votes, and the Oregon Citizens Lobby have provided the content this week. Listed below are Bills of Concern and Bills to Support that are coming up for Public Hearings this week and/or need your voice.
Your testimonies are greatly needed in the fight for Oregon! Our goal is to make it easy for you to testify and share! Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to these alerts! Encourage folks to subscribe!
Visit Weekly Alerts for a more updated version of this week’s bills! We are committed to NOT inundate your email box because these are a moving target and change daily, so the latest news will be on the website!
Please Review the Schedule, bills can be added at any time for Public Hearing
Of Concern:
HB 4005 – Public Hearing
HB 4072 – Public Hearing
HB 4129 – Public Hearing
SB 1578 – Public Hearing
SB 1583 – Public Hearing
HB 4112 – Public Hearing
To Support:
HB 4050 – Public Hearing
SB 1584 – Public Hearing
HB 4038 – Public Hearing
SB 1565 – Public Hearing
HB 4013 – Public Hearing
SB 1542 – Public Hearing
Please Review the Schedule, bills can be added at any time for Public Hearing
Monday - February 12, 2024
Bills of Concern
House Committee On Business and Labor 8:00 am
HB 4005 – The Act makes changes to state law to clarify the meaning of an individual’s performance of services. The Act takes effect 91 days after session ends. (Flesch Readability Score: 63.4). Clarifies when an employee is employed by employing unit or employer for a single hour of work for purposes of unemployment insurance and paid family and medical leave programs. Requires the Director of the Employment Department to issue a refund to a paying entity that paid the employer contribution amounts on behalf of an employer with respect to employees for hours of work in which the employees did not perform services for the paying entity. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: Hurts small businesses and worksite employees
House Committee On Revenue 8:30 am
HB 4072 – The Act would make state agencies pay a fee to Salem for the fire, police and emergency medical services that the city provides based on the agencies’ use of state-owned land in the city. The Act would let other cities opt in to the fee program. (Flesch Readability Score: 62.1). Requires the Oregon Department of Administrative Services to pay a fee to the City of Salem for the share of the city’s budget for fire, police and emergency medical services provided to state agencies. Authorizes the department to recoup the payment from state agencies according to their use of state-owned land in the city. Authorizes other cities to opt in to the fee program.
House Committee On Early Childhood and Human Services 1:00 pm
HB 4129 – The Act requires OHA and DHS to contract with up to two agencies to provide agency with choice services. The Act defines the services that must be provided and the rights of individuals who receive the services. The Act requires the OHA and DHS to adopt certain rules. The Act requires people who provide agency with choice services to report any suspected child abuse or neglect to the proper powers that be. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.9). Requires the Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority to contract with up to two agencies to provide agency with choice services to individuals who are older adults or who have disabilities. Specifies the duties of the agency providing agency with choice services and rights of the individuals who are receiving agency with choice services. Requires the department and the authority to adopt rules that contain specified provisions. Specifies that all agency with choice providers are mandatory reporters of abuse or neglect.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimonies: Adding another layer of bureaucracy does not improve lives
and SEIU Local 503 Board member in Opposition
Senate Committee On Health Care 1:00 pm
SB 1578 – The Act directs the OHA to set up a health care interpreter management system. The Act requires the OHA to contract with a nonprofit entity to manage the system. The Act sets out certain requirements for the nonprofit. The Act requires the nonprofit to submit a report to the OHA each year. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.2). Directs the Oregon Health Authority to establish and maintain an online portal with the functionality to provide online scheduling for health care providers and coordinated care organizations to use to contact health care interpreters directly and to process billing. Requires the authority to contract with a nonprofit entity to administer the portal. Provides criteria and reporting requirements that the contracting nonprofit must meet.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: Words across borders in Opposition
Please note:
To view a live stream of the meeting:
Senate Committee on Education 3:00 pm
SB 1583 – Relating to access to materials; declaring an emergency.
Digest: This Act does not allow a board or a person to choose or not choose materials that are used in a school when the choice is discrimination. (Flesch Readability Score: 66.5). Prohibits discrimination when selecting textbooks, instructional materials, program materials or library books that are used in the public schools of this state. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
Featured Testimony: NO to Protecting Gender Idealogy!
Please note:
This meeting is being held at the State Capitol. A livestream may be viewed at
Senate Bill 1583 dramatically curtails the rights of local school boards to control the curriculum in schools. It limits local control of textbooks and other instructional materials. The bill is thinly disguised as protecting against discrimination. But the intent is clear – to prevent local school boards from removing ideologically driven content that could harm our kids. They are doing this because all across Oregon, communities are pushing back against this agenda that goes against their values and common sense.
Local school boards in Oregon are successfully fighting back against the inclusion of material that promotes dangerous and unproven sex trait modification procedures on children, and sexually explicit content. This includes material that is anti-science and goes against our most fundamental understanding of biology and human nature. This bill could block a school board, which operates on behalf of their local community, from having a say in this content.
Parents are pulling their kids out of Oregon schools by the thousands – passing this bill will only increase that trend.
Parents and local communities have the fundamental right to direct how their schools are run. But the proponents of SB1583 think they know better than the local communities, and intend to push their progressive, ideologically driven, anti-science agenda on all Oregon schools.
In addition, the bill opens school boards up to spurious lawsuits. For example, a board may choose not to utilize a textbook because of sexually explicit material, only to be accused of discrimination based on other grounds.
I urge you to speak out strongly against SB1583. Local control of our public schools is critical, and parents have the fundamental right to direct the care and upbringing of their children. The public hearing is scheduled for next Tuesday, February 13th at 3 pm.
This bill was introduced at the last minute by the Democrat majority. No Republican involvement and no Oregon School Board Association involvement – no attempt at common ground.
We Need Your Voice!
The public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, February 13th at 3 pm.
Yours truly,
Representative Ed Diehl
House District 17
This bill does not allow a board or a person to choose or not choose materials that are used in a school when the choice is discrimination. Prohibits discrimination when selecting textbooks, instructional materials, program materials or library books that are used in the public schools of this state. Declares an emergency so voters cannot override this law by initiative.
This bill restricts local school boards from directing curriculum in schools. It’s a direct attack to protect the gender ideology. This will further separate parent control over their children, and prevent their voices from being heard.
Oregon enrollment dropped 21,744 in 2020, 7,905 in 2021 and another 632 in 2022-23. They can no longer blame COVID for the continued decline. We have to stop making bad laws for the trend to reverse. The sad outcome is that low-income and minorities are impacted with no choice, stuck in a declining system that no longer prioritizes reading, writing and math.
This bill furthers the intrusion of sexually explicit books into our schools and libraries. Children shouldn’t be exposed to books advocating sex of any kind and with content that’s borderline encouraging pedophilia. Promoting immoral and illegal activities is raising up lawlessness and evil, and they wonder why behavior in schools has deteriorated.
This is the worst bill of the session we cannot let this pass
Oregon Citizens Lobby
House Committee on Climate and Energy 3:00 pm
HB 4112 – Relating to energy technology; prescribing an effective date.
Catchline/Summary:Digest: Tells one of the state’s agencies to make rules that say how the agency will buy products and services from clean energy companies. Lets the agency work with other government bodies to help create and keep jobs in this state. Creates a fund for another state agency to make loans and grants to clean energy companies and projects that give certain benefits to people in this state. Sets up a group to give advice to the second agency. (Flesch Reading Score: 76.5). Requires the Oregon Department of Administrative Services to adopt rules to govern procurements from clean energy technology companies. Directs the department to cooperate with state agencies that have expertise in energy production and conservation and in reducing or mitigating environmental impacts. Specifies the required contents of the department’s rules. Directs other state agencies to cooperate with the department in adopting and implementing rules. Permits the department to enter into cooperative procurements and intergovernmental agreements in combination with other governmental bodies in this or other states to provide incentives for clean energy technology companies to create and retain high-skilled manufacturing jobs. Establishes the Oregon Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing Opportunity Fund and appropriates moneys in the fund to the Oregon Business Development Department. Requires the department to establish a program to make loans, grants and other expenditures from the fund to foster, attract and sustain clean energy technology companies, and for other purposes. Requires the department to give priority in loans and grants to clean energy technology companies that include an employment plan with an application for the loan or grant. Establishes the Clean Technology Leadership Advisory Council. Specifies the council’s membership and requires the council to advise the Oregon Business Development Department on decisions with respect to awarding loans and grants and to study and recommend methods of attracting, fostering and sustaining manufacturing firms and operations in this state, while maximizing additional benefits, including creating and sustaining living wage or union jobs, alleviating supply chain constraints and improving access to clean energy technologies, supporting technological innovation and diversifying the economy of this state. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: No more Tax $$ to Grants of Politicians Green Energy investments!
Please Note:
This meeting is being held at the State Capitol. A livestream may be viewed at
Oregon Citizens Lobby: HB 4112 state purchases and grants to lenders of clean energy technology
Public Hearing 02/12/2024 3:00pm HR DThis bill furthers the agenda of government choosing winners and losers. It’s a rip-off of taxpayers.
This bill requires Oregon Department of Administrative Services to make rules that say how the agency will buy products and services from clean energy technology (-3 adds manufacturing) companies to create and retain high-skilled manufacturing jobs. (-3 expands its definition to include equipment for producing green electrolytic hydrogen.) It includes rules on how a company must use and operate on clean energy technology and dictates an employment plan to be eligible for a state contract. Directs the department to cooperate with state agencies that have expertise in energy production and conservation and in reducing or mitigating environmental impacts.
SECTION 6. In addition to and not in lieu of any other appropriation, there is appropriated to the Oregon Business Development Department, for the biennium ending June 30, 2025, out of the General Fund, the amount of $20,000,000 for deposit into Oregon Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing Opportunity Fund established under section 3 of this 2024 Act. Section 3(3) says the funds are to award grants to entities that lend to clean energy technology companies – So we are giving money to a lender to lend money they will get paid back, but isn’t required to reimburse it to the state so the lendee can qualify for procurement contracts from the state. But, the department can make its own loans under Section 3(5) with the Council’s advise, which requires repayment.
Requires the Governor to establish a Clean Technology Leadership Advisory Council to advise the Oregon Business Development Department on decisions and to study and recommend methods of attracting, fostering and sustaining manufacturing firms and operations in this state, while maximizing additional benefits, including creating and sustaining living wage or union jobs, alleviating supply chain constraints and improving access to clean energy technologies, supporting technological innovation and diversifying the economy of this state.
The state has used its procurement preferences to promote certain activities or outcomes. For example, in 2019, Senate Bill 1044 established goals to promote zero-emission vehicles and set procurement requirements for state agencies to purchase or lease zero-emission vehicles for fleets. Particularly after the freeze, electric vehicles are on the downturn, wind turbines are destroying fowl and set idol in disrepair, solar panels are manufactured in China and companies can’t compete without federal funding. So maybe they can get a loan under HB 4112.
Bills to Support
House Committee On Business and Labor 8:00 am
HB 4050 – The Act removes an exception to the state law concerning pay equity requirements. The Act changes the law to add to the list of factors that an employer can use as a reason for a pay differential. The Act becomes effective when the Governor signs it. (Flesch Readability Score: 64.3). Provides factors upon which compensation differentials may be based for an employer to lawfully pay employees who perform work of comparable character at different compensation levels. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
Please Note:
This meeting is being held at the State Capitol. A livestream may be viewed at
Senate Committee On Labor and Business 8:00 am
SB 1584 – The Act removes two bases for a worker to refuse a job without losing workers’ comp benefits. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.1). Deletes two bases for a worker to refuse an offer of modified employment without losing temporary total disability benefits.
Please Note:
This meeting is being held at the State Capitol. A livestream may be viewed at
House Committee On Revenue 8:30 am
HB 4038 – The Act would give a credit against taxes to employers whose rate for 2025 is less than their rate for the year before. (Flesch Readability Score: 65.7). Provides a credit against an employer’s 2025 unemployment insurance taxes if the employer’s tax rate for 2025 is less than the employer’s tax rate for 2022, 2023 and 2024 as determined in accordance with Enrolled House Bill 3389 (2021). Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Senate Committee On Health Care 1:00 pm
SB 1565 – The Act requires the DHS to pay for a certain number of hours of in-home care for minor children with disabilities. The Act requires DHS to seek out all means to get federal matching funds from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to pay for the care. (Flesch Readability Score: 62.6). Requires the Department of Human Services to pay for attendant care services for children with developmental disabilities who have very high behavioral health needs or very high medical needs. Requires the department, for children in each category, to pay for no less hours of attendant care services for a child than for the average attendant care hours utilized by the children in the same category and to supplement underutilized hours by paying the child’s parent to provide the services. Directs the department to seek any federal funding available for attendant care services no later than April 1, 2024. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
House Committee On Climate, Energy, and Environment 3:00 pm
HB 4013 – This Act tells the DEQ not to enforce certain laws related to wine packaging. The Act sunsets on July 1, 2026. (Flesch Readability Score: 63.2). Prohibits the Department of Environmental Quality from enforcing the provisions of the producer responsibility program applicable to wine packaging. Sunsets on July 1, 2026. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
Senate Committee On Finance and Revenue 3:00 pm
SB 1542 – Raises exemption and filing thresholds for CAT tax. Exempts health care reimbursements. Starts with tax year 2025. Becomes law 91 days from sine die. (Flesch Readability Score: 63.2). Increases the exempt amount and filing threshold for purposes of the corporate activity tax. Exempts reimbursements for certain health care services, including care provided to medical assistance recipients and to Medicare recipients. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2025. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: Help small businesses
Raise Exemptions and Filing Threshold for CAT Tax – SB 1542
Bill Summary
- Increases the exempt amount and filing threshold for purposes of the corporate activity tax.
- Exempts reimbursements for certain health care services, including care provided to medical as- sistance recipients and to Medicare recipients.
- Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2025. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Our comments
The Corporate Activities Tax is a gross receipts tax, on all revenue, not just profit. It has been punishing to businesses on small profit margins like restaurants.
It qualifies as a sales tax, but some businesses do not disclose it. A few put it on sales receipts as a line item to increase awareness of how we are being taxed.
Online Testimony Deadline – Scheduled for public testimony, Public Hearing Monday 02/12/2024 3:00pm HR A. Online testimony is accepted now.
Bill OLIS pageSuggested testimony: Go to this link and type the following text, “I SUPPORT SB1542. We the people have too high a tax burden, particularly the people of lower means. I’d rather the CAT tax be eliminated. I support the raise in the threshold to protect small businesses and small profit margin businesses. The more exemptions and other special rules, the greater the government administrative burden, and the greater the burden to the remaining businesses, more likely to bankrupt them.”
Feel free to expand on the message we have provided – the simple message was created for your convenience. We encourage you to express how you personally feel about the bill, and how it may affect you personally.
Please be careful when you choose “oppose” or “support”.
Testimony After the Deadline – If you miss the online testimony deadline, we recommend that you contact each legislative committee member (chief sponsors listed below) via email and/or by phone. Individual e-mail or call is most effective.
Chief Sponsors Among Committee Member Contacts:
Senator Lynn Findley
Party: Republican
District: 30 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1730
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, S-301, Salem OR 97301
Website: David Brock Smith
Party: Republican
District: 1 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1730
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, S-316, Salem OR 97301
Website: Mark Owens
Party: Republican
District: 60 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1460
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-475, Salem, OR 97301
Website: to All Senators and All Representatives
Thank you for taking the time to make a difference in your community. Christ Jesus loves you, in all circumstances! It will take all of us doing our part to Make Oregon Great Again (MOGA).
Tuesday - February 13, 2024
Bills of Concern
World Affairs 8:00 AM
SB 1577 – Relating to: Voter Registration Digest: The Act allows people to register to vote when they apply for college. The Act tells the DOR to provide the SOS with records related to voter registration. (Flesch Readability Score: 64.6). Extends automatic voter registration to applicants for admission to public institutions of higher education. Requires the Department of Revenue to provide the Secretary of State with records containing information related to voter registration.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: Just Say NO!
Oregon People’s Votes opposes this bill. This would enable non-residents automatic voter registration by applying for college, with cost to Oregon colleges and universities. Last session, automatic voter registration in medical provider offices was passed, which allows access to voting for non-citizens. Legal eagles will want to investigate the “citizenship” provisions, vs ORS vs federal HAVA and NVRA requirements etc.Data transfer would be required, while recent data exposures (2023, DMV and OHA) have not been properly remediated, and disclosed full social security numbers. Note what data are truly needed to update your registration at My Vote if you “don’t have an Oregon DMV number”, then consider how someone could get those. While you’re there, check your registration.
College Applicant Automatic Voter Registration – SB1577
Bill Summary
- Extends automatic voter registration to applicants for admission to public institutions of higher education.
- Requires the Department of Revenue to provide the Secretary of State with records containing information related to voter registration.
Our comments
We oppose this bill. This would enable non-residents automatic voter registration by applying for college, with cost to Oregon colleges and universities. Last session, automatic voter registration in medical provider offices was passed, which allows access to voting for non-citizens. Legal eagles will want to investigate the “citizenship” provisions, vs ORS vs federal HAVA and NVRA requirements etc.
Data transfer would be required, while recent data exposures (2023, DMV and OHA) have not been properly remediated, and disclosed full social security numbers. Note what data are truly needed to update your registration at My Vote if you “don’t have an Oregon DMV number”, then consider how someone could get those. While you’re there, check your registration.
Online Testimony Deadline – Scheduled for public testimony, Public Hearing Tuesday 02/13/2024 8:00am HR C. Online testimony is accepted now. Bill OLIS page
Suggested testimony: Go to this link and type the following text, “I OPPOSE SB1577. Oregon’s data exposures of 2023 and prior have not been addressed properly. I see this opening a door to more non-residents getting registered to vote.”
Feel free to expand on the message we have provided – the simple message was created for your convenience. We encourage you to express how you personally feel about the bill, and how it may affect you personally.
Testimony After the Deadline – If you miss the online testimony deadline, we recommend that you contact each legislative committee member listed below via email and/or by phone. Individual e-mail or call is most effective.
Committee Member Contacts:
Senator James I. Manning Jr.
Party: Democratic
District: 7 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1707
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, S-209, Salem, OR, 97301
Website: Jeff Golden
Party: Democratic
District: 3 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1703
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, S-421, Salem, OR, 97301
Website: Kayse Jama
Party: Democratic
District: 24 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1724
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, S-409, Salem, OR, 97301
Website: Deb Patterson
Party: Democratic
District: 10 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1710
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, S-411, Salem, OR, 97301
Website: Tom Andersen
Party: Democratic
District: 19 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1419
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-479, Salem, OR 97301
Email: Website: Janelle Bynum
Party: Democratic
District: 39 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1439
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-276, Salem, OR 97301
Website: Farrah Chaichi
Party: Democratic
District: 35 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1435
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-478, Salem, OR 97301
Website: Mark Gamba
Party: Democratic
District: 41 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1441
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-477, Salem, OR 97301
Website: Ken Helm
Party: Democratic
District: 27 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1427
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-490, Salem, OR 97301
Website: Zach Hudson
Party: Democratic
District: 49 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1449
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-284, Salem, OR 97301
Website: Travis Nelson
Party: Democratic
District: 44 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1444
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-275, Salem, OR 97301
Website: Rob Nosse
Party: Democratic
District: 42 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1442
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-472, Salem, OR 97301
Website: Hoa Nguyen
Party: Democratic
District: 48 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1448
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-473, Salem, OR 97301
Website: Hai Pham
Party: Democratic
District: 36 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1436
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-282, Salem, OR 97301
Website: Lisa Reynolds
Party: Democratic
District: 34 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1434
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-485, Salem, OR 97301
Website: Ricki Ruiz
Party: Democratic
District: 50 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1450
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-272, Salem, OR 97301
Website: to All Senators and All Representatives
Thank you for taking the time to make a difference in your community. Christ Jesus loves you, in all circumstances! It will take all of us doing our part to Make Oregon Great Again (MOGA).
This bill extends automatic voter registration to applicants for admission to public institutions of higher education, and give Secretary of State access to tax records requiring the Department of Revenue to provide the Secretary of State with records
containing information related to voter registration.They cracked the door by passing auto voter registration in medical provider offices last session, which gives access to non-citizens, now they want to give access to non-residents applying for college, even if they don’t ever attend in Oregon. How much will this cost colleges and raise tuition?
The bill gives the college authority to transfer application records to the Secretary of State and gives the Secretary the authority to establish rules as to what information transferred establishes the person’s eligibility to be a qualified voter. She must do that without any records showing citizenship. The bill prohibits the transfer of any records demonstrating that a person is not a citizen of the United States even though Section 2 requires citizenship information.
But, going down that rabbit hole, it does only say “citizenship information” and not that they have to be a citizen. It’s the same in ORS 247.002 under Registration. It requires the voter Registration card to include “citizenship information” but never says that information needs to show citizenship. ORS 247.012(4) does not require citizenship status for the county clerk to register the person as a voter.
If you are told you have to be a citizen to vote in Oregon, the statutes don’t support it. Therefore, exchange students or “green card” students could register to vote under this bill.
If any registration information is missing in the electronic processing, and the person does not respond with the information within 21 days, they are registered anyway as long as there is a name, any address, eligible age, which none is ever checked.
This bill also sneaks in authorizing the Secretary of State to receive records from the Department of Revenue for identifying a person. This applies to everyone’s registration. Currently that is done with motor vehicle records, which was recently hacked.
It becomes operative June 1, 2026.
House Committee On Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water 3:00 pm
HB 4059 – The Act tells a state agency to study issues around a genus of plants in the cabbage and mustard family in an area south of Salem. The Act tells the state agency to report on the results of the study. (Flesch Readability Score: 65.1). Directs the State Department of Agriculture to study issues relating to brassica production in the Willamette Valley Protected District and report on the results to an appropriate committee or interim committee of the Legislative Assembly no later than September 15, 2025.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: Ag Business Organizations in Opposition
Senate Committee On Energy and Environment 1:00 pm
SB 1559 – This Act changes the state’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. The Act changes the term “global warming” to “climate change” in some laws. The Act declares an emergency and takes effect when it passes. (Flesch Readability Score: 68.4). Modifies state greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. Replaces the term “global warming” with “climate change” in provisions related to the Oregon Climate Action Commission. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: Conceptual Deceptiveness
Global warming is panning out for the liberals so rather than see the deceptiveness in the concept, they pursue, full-steam ahead, under Climate Change.The Act changes the term “global warming” to “climate change” in some laws. The Act declares an emergency and takes effect when it passes. Modifies state greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.
The first change comes in the form of a declaration to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Oregon consistent with practices to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. We are 1.1 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels now. Capping average global temperature at 1.5 degrees C (equivalent to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) probably isn’t obtainable, and will never happen without complete socialism and hardships on everyone.
The goals for 2010, 2020 and 2050 are changed in Section (1) to:
(a) By 2030, achieve greenhouse gas levels that are at least 45 percent below 1990 levels.
(b) By 2040, achieve greenhouse gas levels that are at least 70 percent below 1990 levels.
(c) By 2050, achieve greenhouse gas levels that are at least [75] 95 percent below 1990 levels.
Section (2) is added as another declaration that is assumed to be the desire of the entire state. We do all want clean air, but we want it based on true science and not the basis for a money grab:
(2) In addition to the greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals described in subsection (1) of this section, it is the aspiration of this state to achieve net zero emissions as soon as practicable, but no later than 2050, and to maintain net negative emissions thereafter.
“Net negative emissions” means the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere is less than the amount of greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere, as determined by emissions accounting best practices over a specified period of time.
“Net zero emissions” means the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere is equal to the amount of greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere, as determined by emissions accounting best practices over a specified period of time.
House Committee On Rules 1:00 pm
HJR 201 – The Act would put in the constitution a state tax on property to fund public safety. (Flesch Readability Score: 63.6). Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution requiring the Legislative Assembly to create an administrative authority for funding public safety in this state. Directs the Legislative Assembly to impose a state property tax to fund public safety in this state. Allows the Legislative Assembly to delegate to the administrative authority the authority to implement the tax. Provides that the tax would not be subject to Article XI, section 11, of the Oregon Constitution (Ballot Measure 50) (1997), or Article XI, section 11b, of the Oregon Constitution (Ballot Measure 5) (1990). Refers the proposed amendment to the people for their approval or rejection at the next regular general election.
HB 4075 – Relating to funding public safety; prescribing an effective date.
Catchline/Summary: Digest: The Act would set up a task force to plan for a state body to fund public safety. The Act will take effect only if the Oregon Constitution is amended to create the state body. (Flesch Readability Score: 70.6). Establishes a task force to develop a plan for the Legislative Assembly to establish a statewide public safety funding authority in Oregon in accordance with House Joint Resolution 201 (2024). Takes effect only if House Joint Resolution 201 (2024) is approved by the people at the next regular general election. Takes effect on the effective date of the constitutional amendment proposed by House Joint Resolution 201 (2024).
Read HJR 201 Testimonies
Featured Testimony: No New Taxes!
This meeting is being held at the State Capitol. A livestream may be viewed at
The D’s want to take over Property Taxation…. Action needed Tuesday.
“Wow! They did it!
They actually scheduled a public hearing for the insane Statewide Property Tax, and they waited until late Friday to announce a Tuesday hearing which means they don’t want people to testify.
Please alert your County leaders, as this is the most explosive bill in a long time, and we only have 100 hours to submit testimony.”
Rushed hearing Feb 13 — Statewide Property Tax
HJR 201 is a STATEWIDE Property Tax!!!
By Taxpayers Association of Oregon
OregonWatchdog.comLawmakers have authored HJR 201 which would create Oregon’s first ever statewide property tax and use it to fund public safety. HJR 201 would allow this statewide tax to be exempt from current limits on property taxes — Measure 5’s (1992) rate limit and Measure 50’s (1997) assessment limit, so there would be NO LIMIT whatsoever on how high property taxes could go. HJR 201 would be a referral to voters.
HJR 201 reads, “Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution requiring the Legislative Assembly to create an administrative authority for funding public safety in this state. Directs the Legislative Assembly to impose a state property tax to fund public safety in this state. Allows the Legislative Assembly to delegate to the administrative authority the authority to implement the tax. Provides that the tax would not be subject to Article XI, section 11, of the Oregon Constitution (Ballot Measure 50) (1997), or Article XI, section 11b, of the Oregon Constitution (Ballot Measure 5) (1990). Refers the proposed amendment to the people for their approval or rejection at the next regular general election”
Rumor: This egregious tax bill is rumored to be scheduled as early as next Monday Feb 12th to Friday 16th at the earliest.
Be ready for this surprise hearing whenever it is called. Follow both Oregon Catalyst and Oregon Watchdog for when this bill be up for an official hearing. The politicians are using the super-fast and super-short February schedule to ramrod unpopular taxes through the Session when people are not paying attention. With limited public notices their actions clearly show that they don’t want you at the hearing and that is 100% wrong.
Property taxes hit people especially hard
Higher property taxes hit people on fixed incomes (seniors and disabled people) because they are unable to increase what they earn.
A statewide property tax will
• Throw seniors and disabled out of their homes (they can’t afford it)
• Make Oregon’s affordable housing crisis even more unaffordable.
• Make Oregon one of the higher property tax states in America
• Make housing unaffordable for younger first time home buyers.
• Encourage endless taxation once SJR 201 removes Constitutional limits/protections
State Property Tax for Public Safety – HJR 201
Bill Summary
Put in the constitution a state tax on property to fund public safety.Our comments
Our tax burden in Oregon is high. We had avenues of ensuring public safety via law enforcement. What happened?Online Testimony Deadline – Scheduled for public testimony, Public Hearing Tuesday 02/13/2024 1:00 PM, HR D. Online testimony is accepted now.
Bill OLIS pageSuggested testimony: Go to this link and type the following text, “I OPPOSE HJR 201. We the people have too high a tax burden, and we are at risk of putting more people out of being able to afford their homes and land, and making people not be able to afford rent. With tax increases, Oregon becomes less and less affordable and livable. We will ensure public safety without additional tax.”
Feel free to expand on the message we have provided – the simple message was created for your convenience. We encourage you to express how you personally feel about the bill, and how it may affect you personally.
Please be careful when you choose “oppose” or “support”.
Testimony After the Deadline – If you miss the online testimony deadline, we recommend that you contact each legislative committee member (chief sponsors listed below) via email and/or by phone. Individual e-mail or call is most effective.
Chief Sponsor:
Representative Paul Evans
Party: Democratic
District: 20 – View District Map
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1420
Capitol Address: 900 Court St NE, H-471, Salem, OR 97301
Website: to All Senators and All Representatives
Thank you for taking the time to make a difference in your community. Christ Jesus loves you, in all circumstances! It will take all of us doing our part to Make Oregon Great Again (MOGA)
A bill AND a resolution to be aware of!!!
Copied from Oregon Citizens Lobby:
HJR 201/HB 4075 state property tax to fund public safety
HJR 201
In Committee
Public Hearing 02/13/2024 1:00pm HR D
Status (overview) of bill:
SUBMIT TESTIMONY FOR BOTH BILLS!!!This bill is a disguised state property tax outside the limits for property taxes in the name of public safety.
Proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution requiring the Legislature to create an administrative authority for funding public safety in this state. Directs the Legislature to impose a state property tax to fund public safety in this state. Allows the Legislature to delegate to the administrative authority the authority to implement the tax. Provides that the tax would not be subject to Article XI, section 11, of the Oregon Constitution (Ballot Measure 50) (1997), or Article XI, section 11b, of the Oregon Constitution (Ballot Measure 5) (1990). Refers the proposed amendment to the people for their approval or rejection at the next regular general election.
The state property tax may be imposed on an annual basis at a rate not to exceed $0.25 per $1,000 of the value of the property as assessed under law.
The state’s average home value is $468,000. That’s $117 added property tax to 1,798,864 housing units yielding $210,467,088.
Laws enacted by the Legislative Assembly pursuant to this section to implement the state property tax may also:
(A) Set rates that vary according to reasonable classifications of property and taxpayers;
(B) Provide for exemption, partial exemption or special assessment of certain reasonable classifications of property or taxpayers. (Exemptions always creates an unequal fairness.)
Were the riots a setup for this new tax? Repeal Measure 110 and it would be a good start to public safety.
HJR 201 would:
• We can’t afford it! Oregonians already pay higher taxes than most states.
• Removes current local control over property taxes from Counties/Cities by allowing new statewide property tax scheme without limits.
• This would allow Portland politicians to raise property taxes on rural Oregonians for their reckless spending.
• Removes current Constitutional limits on property tax rates (Measure 5) and assessment rates (Measure 50) with sneaky exceptions.
• Risk throwing seniors, the disabled and other limited income Oregonians out of their homes as property taxes become limitless.
• HJR 201 would be a referral to voters, because that is the only way politicians can remove/tinker with current Constitutional property tax limits that protect home owners.
HB 4075 implements HJR 201 by establishing a task force. x. Specifies that revenues from tax must be deposited in equal amounts in two funds, one for public safety inside and one for public safety outside the wildland-urban interface, and that 80 percent of revenues must fund local public safety and 20 percent must fund state level public safety. Requires plan to include baseline minimum funding level for each local public safety body.
Representatve Julie Fahey
Representative Jeffrey Helfrich
Representative Jason Kropf
Senate Committee On Education 3:00 pm
SB 1583 – This Act does not allow a board or a person to choose or not choose materials that are used in a school when the choice is discrimination. (Flesch Readability Score: 66.5). Prohibits discrimination when selecting textbooks, instructional materials, program materials or library books that are used in the public schools of this state. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
This bill does not allow a board or a person to choose or not choose materials that are used in a school when the choice is discrimination. Prohibits discrimination when selecting textbooks, instructional materials, program materials or library books that are used in the public schools of this state. Declares an emergency so voters cannot override this law by initiative.
This bill restricts local school boards from directing curriculum in schools. It’s a direct attack to protect the gender ideology. This will further separate parent control over their children, and prevent their voices from being heard.
Oregon enrollment dropped 21,744 in 2020, 7,905 in 2021 and another 632 in 2022-23. They can no longer blame COVID for the continued decline. We have to stop making bad laws for the trend to reverse. The sad outcome is that low-income and minorities are impacted with no choice, stuck in a declining system that no longer prioritizes reading, writing and math.
This bill furthers the intrusion of sexually explicit books into our schools and libraries. Children shouldn’t be exposed to books advocating sex of any kind and with content that’s borderline encouraging pedophilia. Promoting immoral and illegal activities is raising up lawlessness and evil, and they wonder why behavior in schools has deteriorated.
This is the worst bill of the session we cannot let this pass
Senate Committee On Rules 3:00 pm
SB 1538 – The Act makes many changes to election laws. (Flesch Readability Score: 71.8). Specifies the information to be included in county voters’ pamphlets. Permits an agent of a candidate to file a translation of a candidate statement with the Secretary of State. Permits candidate statements, certain arguments regarding measures and legislative arguments in support of statewide measures to be translated into the most commonly spoken languages of each county in which the statements will appear in a voters’ pamphlet. Removes the requirement for a repeat public certification test of a vote tally system immediately before ballot scanning begins. Reduces the limitation on the number of voter registration cards that may be requested. Establishes that the two-year term of certain members of the financial estimate committee begins on July 1 of an even-numbered year. Permits the Secretary of State to issue a certificate of ascertainment of presidential electors in accordance with the requirements of federal law. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Bills to Support
Senate Committee On Veterans, Emergency Management, Federal and World Affairs 8:00 AM
SB 1548 – For the part of the state in the Pacific Time Zone, stops the one-hour change of time in the spring and fall of each year and keeps the zone at standard time year-round. (Flesch Readability Score: 73.3). For the part of the state located in the Pacific Time Zone, abolishes the annual one-hour change in time from standard time to daylight saving time and maintains the Pacific Time Zone portion of Oregon on standard time for all 12 months of the calendar year.
House Committee On Judiciary 8:00 am
HB 4146 – The Act allows petitions for certain abuse court orders to be filed in the county in which the abuse occurred. The Act also changes the elements of two crimes related to violating privacy. The Act goes into effect when the Governor signs it. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.4). Provides that a petition for a Family Abuse Prevention Act order, Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities Abuse Prevention Act order or sexual abuse restraining order may be filed in the county in which the abuse occurred. Removes the requirement that a disclosed image be identifiable for purposes of the crime of unlawful dissemination of an intimate image. Modifies the crime of invasion of privacy in the second degree to include the recording of a person who is dressing, undressing, bathing or toileting in an area in which the person has a reasonable expectation of privacy. Declares an emergency, effective on passage.
House Committee On Behavioral Health and Health Care 5:00 pm
HB 4071 – Tells health care boards to give short-term permission to work. Starts January 1, 2025. (Flesch Readability Score: 60.7). Requires health professional regulatory boards to issue a temporary authorization to practice a health profession to eligible applicants within 10 days of receiving an application for licensure. Defines “health profession” and “health professional regulatory board.” Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Wednesday - February 14, 2024
Bills to Support
House Committee On Education 3:00 pm
HB 4161 – Relating to school choice.
Digest: Reduces the cap on students who can attend a virtual public charter school. Requires a school district to allow a student from another district to attend a school in the school district. Allows a student to have an education savings account. (Flesch Readability Score: 62.9). Increases the limitation on the percentage of students in a school district who may enroll in a virtual public charter school that is not sponsored by the student’s resident school district without first receiving approval from the school district. Requires school districts to participate in open enrollment. Establishes a waiver process. Directs the Department of Education to develop and implement a policy that provides for the establishment of education savings accounts for students to use for educational expenses.
Thursday - February 15, 2024
Bills to Support
Joint Committee On Transportation 5:00 pm
HB 4165 – Requires ODOT to prepare and submit a report on the changes in the law that are needed to balance costs between light and heavy cars and trucks. (Flesch Readability Score: 100). Requires the Department of Transportation to prepare and submit a report on the statutory changes necessary to balance transportation cost responsibility between light and heavy vehicles. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Joint Committee on Transportation 5:00 pm
SB 1519 – Digest: The Act lowers weight-mile taxes. The Act directs ODOT to adopt rules so that ODOT may issue refunds to taxpayers who overpaid weight-mile taxes in recent years. The Act limits ODOT spending on certain things. Becomes law 91 days from sine die. (Flesch Readability Score: 67.2). Decreases weight-mile taxes. Directs the Department of Transportation to adopt rules specifying the manner of calculating, applying and issuing refunds to taxpayers who overpaid weight-mile taxes. Limits certain expenditures by the department. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Featured Testimony: Helps Small Trucking Companies
Joint Committee on Transportation 5:00 pm
SB 1543 – Digest: The Act lowers weight-mile taxes. The Act limits ODOT spending on certain things. Becomes law 91 days from sine die. (Flesch Readability Score: 77.3). Decreases weight-mile taxes. Limits certain expenditures by the Department of Transportation. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Friday - February 16, 2024
Nothing is Scheduled for Public Hearing at this writing.
Please Review the Schedule, bills can be added at any time for Public Hearing
Are we missing a bill? Submit a Bill is now available! Submittal deadlines are Fridays by 5PM! We’ll try our best to get it on the list!
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