Important Notice: If a bill comes in later than 5PM on Fridays, check here for updates & changes! We will not be sending additional emails!
Clicking the bill number will allow you access to more information on the bill via OLIS.
Clicking Submit Testimony Button below each bill in the list will allow you to fill out the testimony form online or upload pre-written testimony to OLIS.
Links are provided for more information, testimonies on various sites, including OLIS as featured testimonies.
The bill text, any submitted amendments and testimony that may have already been submitted is available in the tabs at the top of the OLIS webpage. By Clicking the “Register to Testify” tab, you can fill out the form to sign up to testify remotely through Microsoft Teams for the bill either via Teams Video or on the phone. This, of course, does not incapsulate all the bills for the coming week. Bills could also be added to committee agendas at any time and after the work to put this list together.
Are we missing bill? Submit bills every Friday by 5PM for distribution in the weekly alert!
Monday - April 3, 2023
Bills of Concern
House Committee on Judiciary 8:00AM
HB 2006 – Prohibits person under 21 years of age from possessing firearms with specified exceptions. Punishes by maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Prohibits person from transferring certain firearms to recipient person knows, or reasonably should know, is under 21 years of age. Punishes by maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Specifies exceptions.
This bill will have more amendments that have yet to be posted. It is up for a work session and will not have any more public comment. Please use the links below to contact the legislators on the committee and ask them to vote no on this unconstitutional bill.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: Congressional Sportman Foundation in Opposition
Email Legislators:
Representative Jason Kropf
Representative Tom Andersen
Representative Janelle Bynum
Representative Farrah Chaichi
Representative Lisa Reynolds
Representative Thuy Tran
SB 348 – Directs Department of Justice to study ways to address unlawful possession of firearms, and to provide results of study to interim committees of Legislative Assembly no later than December 31, 2024.
-1 Amendment basically enacts Ballot Measure 114. This bill is up for a work session and will not have any more public comment. Please use the links below to contact the legislators on the committee and ask them to vote no on this unconstitutional bill.
This Is NOT An April Fools Joke.
Senate Bill 348, Prozanski’s omnibus anti-gun bill, is now scheduled for a “work session” on Monday at 1pm.
Work sessions are where bills are amended and passed to the floor for a vote of the entire Senate.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has a new amendment for the bill. This amendment is 69 pages but the most important element is on the last page.
Under this amendment, it will be unlawful to challenge the clearly unconstitutional language of the bill anywhere but Marion County.
“SECTION 23. Any action challenging the legality, including the constitutionality, of this 2023 Act must be commenced in the Circuit Court for Marion County.”
It’s no secret why. Even without this amendment it was clear that the bill was drafted to undermine the lawsuits against Measure 114.
According to the far left Oregonian, when asked about the previous amendment, “Prozanski, didn’t answer directly when asked if the amendment is designed to get around the lawsuits over Measure 114.”
Now that question has been answered loud and clear. Not satisfied with using his extremist majority to ram through legislation he knows is unconstitutional, he and the other anti-rights zealots in his party are doing all they can to stifle the people’s rights to seek judicial review.
We cannot overstate the magnitude of this madness. The left is so deeply corrupt that they now are working overtime to crush what little is left of the balance of power in this state.
What we are seeing here is a reflection of what we are seeing nationally, a complete elimination of our rights, enforced at gunpoint by a lawless mob.
Should this bill pass, countless Oregonians will become criminals overnight. Possession of virtually any magazine will qualify you for a year in jail. That’s right, any magazine. The bill does not outlaw magazines over 10 rounds. It outlaws magazines that could be over ten rounds.
“Large-capacity magazine’ means a fixed or detachable magazine ….., that has an overall capacity of, or that can be readily restored, changed or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition..”
The work session is currently scheduled for Monday. The committee info is here
The Democrats are doing all they can to make sure this passes and fighting it in court will be far more difficult than it should be in a free society. And untold thousands of Oregonians will be facing a year in jail. This is insanity.
If Republican Senators are on the floor when this is voted on, they will effectively be voting “yes” just by showing up.
The Senate Republican leader can stop this. Call him.
Tim Knopp
(503) 986-1727
by OREGON FIREARMS FEDERATION********************UPDATE*** 4/3/2023********************
SB 348 has been pushed back one more day.
No explanation was given today for the delay in the scheduled work session. But every day it does not advance is another day to keep up the pressure on Knopp and Iverson to stand up and stop this insanity.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: Clatsop County Republicans in Opposition
Featured Testimony2: Standard Objection to Firearm Prohibition
Email Legislators:
Senator Floyd Prozanski
Senator Sara Gelser Blouin
Senator James Manning Jr.
SB 527 – Allows gun dealer or person transferring firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition or ammunition components for purchase at gun show, or business engaged in repairing or servicing firearms to establish minimum age of 21 years for such purchases, repairs or services. Creates exemption from antidiscrimination statute for enforcement of policies that impose age-based restrictions on purchase of firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition or ammunition components or on repairing or servicing of firearms in place of public accommodation.
This bill is up for a work session and will not have any more public comment. I have introduced the -1 Amendment that guts the base bill and replaces the measure keeping the current age to purchase a firearm at 18 years old, and allowing hunting rifles to be purchased for hunting at age 16. I have also introduced the -2 Amendments that guts the bill and replaces the measure with required firearms safety to be taught in school to 12-15 year old students in Middle School. Because of the Relating to Clause of the base bill, amendments are limited to what “relates” to the base bill.
Please use the links below to contact the legislators on the committee and ask them to vote no on this unconstitutional bill.
SB 527, which enshrines discrimination into Oregon statutes, did pass out of committee with Republicans Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum voting no.
The bill would allow gun dealers to refuse service to anyone under 21.
The Democrats are demanding this because they are the party of “equity and inclusiveness”, unless their native bigotry can be applied with the force of law to gun owners.
They are also working overtime to expand the rights of “doctors” to sexually mutilate children without their parent’s consent. So, a 15 year old can have her breasts removed but a 20 year old cannot buy a rifle.In other Democrat proposals a 16 year old will be able to vote, but a 19 year old will be denied the ability to buy reloading equipment.
After the vote, Senator James Manning shared a rambling and incoherent diatribe insulting and attacking gun owners. At least we think that’s what he did. We could make no sense of it.
Senators Thatcher and Linthicum also served notice of a possible minority report. A minority report is an alternative bill offered in place of the existing legislation. While any alternative bill will have no chance in a legislature controlled by deceitful bigots, it was a welcomed statement.
Please continue to demand that the leaders of the Republican caucuses stand up to these demented attacks on your rights.
Senator Tim Knopp 503-986-1727 Representative Vikki Breese Iverson 503-986-1459Oregon Firearms Federation
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: US Army Veteran in Opposition
Email Legislators:
Senator Floyd Prozanski
Senator Sara Gelser Blouin
Senator James Manning Jr.
House Committee On Behavioral Health and Health Care 3:00 pm
HB 2002 – Modifies provisions relating to reproductive health rights. Modifies provisions relating to access to reproductive health care and gender-affirming treatment. Modifies provisions relating to protections for providers of and individuals receiving reproductive and gender-affirming health care services. Creates crime of interfering with a health care facility. Punishes by maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Creates right of action for person or health care provider aggrieved by interference with health care facility. Repeals criminal provisions relating to concealing birth. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
“This bill removes ALL age limits on abortion; provides insurance coverage for transgender medical services; and undermines the parent child relationship and family unit. Permits patient access and provider authorization for reproductive and gender affirming healthcare without parental notification or consent and seeks prosecution of any person attempting to interfere. Eliminates any age of consent requirements for gender affirming treatment and procedures and abortions. Making it a crime to interfere with access to or from a healthcare facility punishable with up to 364 days imprisonment. Meaning you could face criminal charges if you opposed your child from seeking said services, such as abortion, and or gender changes.
It portrays a message that any child can get abortion/gender changes, facilitates minors who are not developmentally competent to make a life changing decision. It can cause a number of physical and psychological issues, once they fully understand what abortion and gender changes entail.
” – Representative Kevin Mannix
This bill is up for a work session and will not have any more public comment. Please use the links below to contact the legislators on the committee and ask them to vote no on this horrible bill.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: ROGD Parent in opposition
Email Legislators:
Representative Rob Nosse
Representative Travis Nelson
Representative Ben Bowman
Representative Maxine Dexter
Representative Hai Pham
Representative Thuy Tran
Senate Judiciary Committee – 1PM
SB 320 – Relating to sentencing; prescribing an effective date; providing for criminal sentence reduction that requires approval by a two-thirds majority.
Catchline/Summary: Provides that person sentenced to mandatory minimum sentence under Ballot Measure 11 (1994), for crime other than murder, who has not been previously sentenced under measure is eligible for reduction in sentence for appropriate institutional behavior and participation in certain programming unless otherwise ordered by court for substantial and compelling reasons. Creates procedure by which sentencing court may enter supplemental judgment authorizing persons currently serving sentences under Ballot Measure 11 (1994) who were not previously sentenced under measure to be eligible for reduction in sentence for appropriate institutional behavior and participation in certain programming. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
“Measure 11 was passed by 63% of voters because they were tired of murderers getting life sentences and serving an average of 8 years, rapists would either only get sentenced to 2 years in prison, but would often serve just months. This is not the time to reduce sentences with shootings on the rise.” – Oregon Citizens Lobby
“This bill seeks to reduce time for crimes listed under Ballot Measure 11, for crimes other than murder. It pushes for first time offenders to be eligible for reduction in sentence for appropriate institutional behavior and participation in certain programming unless otherwise ordered by court for substantial and compelling reasons. Measure 11 covers minimum sentencing for Assault, Compelling Prostitution, Kidnapping II, Robbery II, Using Child in a Display of Sexually Explicit Conduct, Arson I when the offense represented a threat of serious physical injury, Manslaughter II, Rape II, Sexual Abuse I, Sodomy II, Unlawful Sexual Penetration II, Conspiracy to Commit Murder/Attempted Murder, Assault I, Kidnapping I, Robbery I, Rape I, Sodomy I, Unlawful Sexual Penetration I, Attempted Aggravated Murder/ Conspiracy to Commit Aggravated Murder, Manslaughter I and Murder. If SB 320 were to pass it would mean, first time kidnappers, rapists, child abusers, armed robbers, people conspiring to commit murder and everything above, would be eligible for lower sentencing.
This is a direct assault on Measure 11 which already covers the most serious crimes, SB 320 portrays a message that anything other than murder is not serious. It sets up victims of crime for further trauma from knowing their perpetrators can get out sooner if they are on “good behavior” for a set amount of time. Such criminals are master manipulators, and this is just a way for them to take advantage of the system and not be held accountable. Victims of crimes receive life sentences of emotional pain and trauma, we need to maintain accountability for criminals…it is the least we can do for victims!” – Representative Kevin Mannix
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: Representative Kevin L. Mannix in Opposition
Note: Representative Mannix is the author of Measure 11
Senator Floyd Prozanski
Senator Kim Thatcher
Senator Michael Dembrow
Senator Sara Gelser Blouin
Senator Dennis Linthicum
Senator James Manning
Bills to Consider
Senate Committee On Housing and Development 8:00 am
SB 406 – Requires certain cities in Tillamook County to allow middle housing on residentially zoned lands, to adopt housing production strategies and to accommodate estimated housing needs upon lands inventoried as buildable lands.
Featured Testimony: Tillamook Creamery in support
Tuesday - April 4, 2023
Bills Open for Testimony
Senate Committee on Labor & Business 8:00 AM
HB 2573 A – Requires Employment Relations Board to develop guidelines and procedures for authorizations designating bargaining representatives of bargaining unit to be prepared and signed electronically. Establishes requirements for petitions for representation that are submitted as electronic record. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
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Featured Testimony: At this writing, there are no testimonites in opposition.
HB 2620 – Punishes violation of laws that regulate home solicitation sales as unlawful practice under Unlawful Trade Practices Act. Takes effect on 91st day after adjournment sine die.
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Featured Testimony: Kate Denison, Deputy Legislative Director – in support
HB 2864 – Expands list of employees that may be charged certain representation fees to include employees of Department of Corrections and of Oregon Corrections Enterprises, and parole and probation officers who supervise adult offenders.
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Featured Testimony: David Wall in Opposition
HB 3331 – Amends eligibility requirements for employee to receive benefits under shared work plan. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
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Featured Testimony: There are no testimonies at this time.
House Committee On Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources & Water 3:00 pm
HB 2659 – Requires Land Conservation and Development Commission to update rules adopted in response to Governor’s executive order on climate to address specific issues. Prohibits enforcement of climate rules until updated. Sunsets January 2, 2028. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
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Featured Testimony: Ryan Haynes Jackson Co in Support
Wednesday - April 5, 2023
Bills to Consider
Senate Committee on Natural Resources 8:00AM
HB 2687 – Authorizes State Department of Agriculture to issue public applicator licenses and public trainee certificates to employees of federally recognized Indian tribes for purposes of pesticide application on certain lands adjacent to tribal lands] lands other than Indian country. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.] Declares emergency, effective on passage
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Featured Testimony: Oregonians for Food & Shelter in Support
Senate Committee on Natural Resources 8:00AM
HB 2689 – Provides licensing exemption for person slaughtering not more than 1,000 rabbits for use as human food.
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Featured Testimony: Mark Owens in Support
Senate Committee on Natural Resources 8:00AM
HB 2966 A – Authorizes State Department of Fish and Wildlife to waive certain requirements for black bass and walleye angling competitions if department determines that limiting black bass or walleye populations would benefit native fish species or ecological health of body of water. Permits department to authorize any person to remove nonindigenous aquatic species from specified area if nonindigenous aquatic species is adversely affecting native fish species
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Featured Testimony: NFS Supports HB 2966 with -4 Amendment
HB 3211 A – Relating to water right certificates that authorize the storage of water for municipal use; declaring an emergency.
Authorizes holder of certain water right certificate] certificates that authorizes] authorize storage of water for municipal use to change authorized point of diversion and place of use without losing priority of right under specified circumstances. Provides that authorization applies to applications for change filed after effective date of Act and before January 1, 2026. Declares emergency, effective on passage |
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Featured Testimony: City of Newport in Support and Water Watch of Oregon concludes amendments needed
Thursday - April 6, 2023
Bills Open for Testimony
Senate Committee on Labor and Business 8:00 am
HB 2573 A – Requires Employment Relations Board to develop guidelines and procedures for authorizations designating bargaining representatives of bargaining unit to be prepared and signed electronically. Establishes requirements for petitions for representation that are submitted as electronic record. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Featured Testimony: There are no testimonies in opposition at this writing.
HB 2620 – Punishes violation of laws that regulate home solicitation sales as unlawful practice under Unlawful Trade Practices Act. Takes effect on 91st day after adjournment sine die.
Featured Testimony: There are no opposing testimonies at this writing.
HB 2864 – Expands list of employees that may be charged certain representation fees to include employees of Department of Corrections and of Oregon Corrections Enterprises, and parole and probation officers who supervise adult offenders.
Featured Testimonies: David Wall in Opposition
HB 3331– Amends eligibility requirements for employee to receive benefits under shared work plan. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Featured Testimonies: There are no testimonies at this writing
Joint Committee on Transportation 5:00 pm
HB 2613 – Appropriates $30,000,000 to Department of Environmental Quality for deposit in Zero-Emission Incentive Fund. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Featured Testimonies: There are no testimonies at this writing
Are we missing a bill? Submit a Bill is now available! Submittal deadlines are Fridays by 5PM! We’ll try our best to get it on the list!
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Disclaimer: Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the various authors, and not necessarily each author’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual.