Important Notice: If a bill comes in later than 5PM on Fridays, check here for updates & changes! We will not be sending additional emails!
Clicking the bill number will allow you access to more information on the bill via OLIS.
Clicking Submit Testimony Button below each bill in the list will allow you to fill out the testimony form online or upload pre-written testimony to OLIS.
Links are provided for more information, testimonies on various sites, including OLIS as featured testimonies.
The bill text, any submitted amendments and testimony that may have already been submitted is available in the tabs at the top of the OLIS webpage.
By Clicking the “Register to Testify” tab on OLIS, you can fill out the form to sign up to testify remotely through Microsoft Teams for the bill either via Teams Video or on the phone.
The bills below, of course, do not incapsulate all the bills for the coming week. Bills could also be added to committee agendas at any time and after the work to put this list together.
Are we missing bill? SUBMIT A BILL every Friday by 5PM for distribution in the weekly alert!
Fight for Oregon, Rep. Vikki Breese Iverson, Sen. Tim Knopp, Rep. Boomer Wright, Sen. David Brock Smith, Rep. Virgle Osborne, Rep. Court Boice, Senator Kim Thatcher, Sen. Linthicum, Sen. Findley, Oregon Cattleman’s Association, Oregon Firearms Federation and the Oregon Citizens Lobby have provided the content this week. Listed below are Bills of Concern and Bills to Support that are coming up for Public Hearings this week and/or need your voice.
Your testimonies are greatly needed in the fight for Oregon! Our goal is to make it easy for you to testify and share! Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to these alerts! Encourage folks to subscribe!
Visit Weekly Alerts for a more updated version of this week’s bills! We are committed to NOT inundate your email box because these are a moving target and change daily, so the latest news will be on the website!
100% Walkout
All Bills should be lawful. You do not get to pick and choose what laws you want to follow. Democrats do not care about laws, Oregon’s 13 are choosing to follow the law, that allows them to deny quorum. Senate Republican Leader Tim Knopp on Oregon’s 13 “
Senator Knopp and the 12 other Senators remain at work, holding meetings, and talking to the public, media, and their constituents every day. This constitutional protest comes down to an unlawful, uncompromising agenda pushed by the hyper-partisan legislative Democrats that we simply will not stand for.
Senate Republicans and Independents are committed to passing substantially bipartisan budgets and bills this Session. Democrats are holding up the process from moving forward at this point.
“Senate Republicans are engaged in a peaceful, constitutional protest of the unlawful, uncompromising, and unconstitutional agenda the untrustworthy and deeply partisan Senate President has brought forward. We commit to Oregonians and our Democrat colleagues that we will return before the constitutional sine die to suspend readings and rules on lawful, substantially bipartisan budgets and bills. While Democrats are laser focused on the issues that do nothing but divide, we are focused on the real issues Oregonians care most about – homelessness, affordable housing, public safety, cost of living, job creation, and fully-funded education. We are committed to getting the People’s work done, not facilitating an extreme, unlawful, unconstitutional agenda.” Senate Republican Leader Tim Knopp (R-Bend)
Citizen Involvement. Your emails, complaints, reports and pressure matters. Why do you think Shemia Fagan resigned? Why are Democrat bureaucrats under investigations? You got involved. Keep up the pressure. Here is a link to a new ‘How To’ booklet on citizen action somebody prepared this past week.
Democrats Resort to Lies to Push Extreme Policy Priorities
Republicans Remain Committed to Accountability and Transparency
SALEM, Ore. – In a statement released this morning, Senate Democrats made a false statement that “Senate Republican Leader Tim Knopp admits walkout is about abortion and gun safety legislation,” citing an article published in Oregon Capital Chronicle on Sunday.
In the article, Leader Knopp reiterated that Wagner is knowingly and willfully violating the readability standard explicitly laid out in Senate Rules, Oregon statute, and the Oregon Constitution. He stated: “They’ve chosen to try to force unlawful bills, unconstitutional bills across the floor, and we are not going to allow that to happen.”
Leader Knopp told the reporter that Republicans are willing to end the protest if staff rewrites bill summaries to comply with the law, and if Democrats set aside their most extreme bills whose summaries similarly don’t comply with the law. All Session long, Republicans have criticized the extreme policy priorities pushed by the majority party. We have repeatedly asked that we get back to passing bills that fix real problems facing our constituen. This is nothing new.
Activist special interest groups have continuously lied by claiming Republicans are attempting to “take away abortion rights and deny marriage equality”.
“One thing has become clear: Democrats are unwilling to come to the table and instead, they are doubling down on an unlawful, far-left extreme agenda. Abortion is codified into Oregon law and same-sex marriage is settled. To suggest that Republicans are attempting to restrict abortion access and marriage equality by protesting is a desperate lie. Continuing to shield the truth from Oregonians isn’t going to solve anything,” concluded Knopp.
Below, are the bills “scheduled” for Public Hearing for the coming week, if there is a quorum. Hold onto your chairs, there are more bills headed our way in the days to come. We need ALL of you to make a difference.
WE are going to NEED ALL OF YOU come election time to HOLD the seats we currently have and gain more. That’s the ONLY way we can stop this madness… by being the MAJORITY! It’s time.
Please Review the Schedule, bills can be added at any time for Public Hearing
Pick a Date or Bill
OLCC is trying to raise taxes on Alcohol! Take Action Now! Register to testify in person on 5/18/2023 or Submit written testimony by June 5, 2023!
SB 348 -3 BM 114 – Firearms
SB 891 – Assisted Suicide
SB 579 – Voting in Prison
SB 530 – Climate Change
Monday - June 5, 2023
Public Hearing is to be held on the following bills. We are providing you for informational purposes. No one has submitted information to support or oppose, therefore, are considered of neutral position:
Ways & Means Subcommittee on Education 8:00 AM
HB 3198 A – Establishes Early Literacy Success Initiative. Prescribes purposes and requirements under initiative, including establishment of Early Literacy Success School Grants, Birth Through Five Literacy Plan and Early Literacy Success Community Grants. Authorizes Department of Education to use moneys from Statewide Education Initiatives Account for Early Literacy Success Initiative.] Repeals Oregon Early Reading Program and Early Success Reading Initiative. Establishes Birth Through Five Literacy Fund and Early Literacy Success Community Grant Fund. Declares emergency, effective on passage
Please Review the Schedule, bills can be added at any time for Public Hearing
Tuesday - June 6, 2023
SB 775 – Provides that zone directors on local governing body of soil and water conservation district in county with population of ___ or more need only reside within district and be registered voters.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: Board Member in Opposition
Joint Subcommittee on General Government 3:00 PM
SB 606 A – Relating to compensation for nonprofit organizations that provide services on behalf of the state; prescribing an effective date.
Establishes Nonprofit Workforce Retention Fund in State Treasury, separate and distinct from General Fund, from which Employment Department must provide grants to qualifying nonprofit organizations for purpose of increasing compensation of and reducing turnover among employees of each recipient nonprofit organization.]
Sets minimum rate at which specified state agencies may compensate nonprofit organizations for indirect costs related to providing services. Establishes Task Force on Modernizing Grant Funding and Contracting. Specifies membership of task force. Requires task force to examine how state’s granting and public procurement practices limit wages of employees of nonprofit organizations and make recommendations to Oregon Department of Administrative Services concerning changes to state procurement practices that will support living wages for employees of nonprofit organizations, uniform application procedures for grant moneys, standard contracting language that permits flexibility in contract terms and conditions and multiyear contract terms, sufficient reporting requirements that are commensurate with funding levels and that allow for adequate lead time for changes to reporting required within term of contract, payment models that prioritize full cost recovery and mechanism for ongoing review and evaluation of grantmaking and procurement processes. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: Is it time to fund non-profits?
This meeting is being held in person at the Capitol. To view a livestream of the meeting, go to:
HB 2763 A – Establishes State Public Bank Task Force. Directs task force to study and make recommendations regarding establishment of state public bank. Requires task force to submit report to committee of Legislative Assembly by January 31, 2024. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: State Banks used to bypass legislative process to spend your tax $$?
This meeting is being held in person at the Capitol. To view a livestream of the meeting, go to:
HB 3332 A – Requires state contracting agency that procures public improvement contract or contract for public works with estimated contract price of $150,000 or more to include in solicitation documents conspicuous notice that resulting public improvement contract or contract for public works will require contractors to use iron, steel, coatings for iron and steel and manufactured products that are made in United States. Requires public improvement contracts and contracts for public works to require use of iron, steel, coatings for iron and steel and manufactured products made in United States in public improvement or public works unless Director of Oregon Department of Administrative Services or Director of Transportation, as appropriate, waives use under specified circumstances. Specifies duties of director in making findings and granting waiver. Requires periodic review of waiver. Permits Director of Oregon Department of Administrative Services to delegate duty. Requires department to establish technical assistance and grant program to enable businesses certified by Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity to become familiar with and meet obligations of Act. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Read Testimonies
Featured Testimony: Read the fine print – very many questions!
This meeting is being held in person at the Capitol. To view a livestream of the meeting, go to:
Wednesday - June 7, 2023
Public Hearing is to be held on the following bills. We are providing you for informational purposes. No one has submitted information to support or oppose, therefore, are considered of neutral position:
Joint Subcommittee on Human Services 8:00 AM
HB 3396 – Requires Oregon Health Authority to study access to health care in Oregon. Directs authority to submit findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to health not later than September 15, 2024. Sunsets January 2, 2025.
Please Review the Schedule, bills can be added at any time for Public Hearing
Virtual Town Hall | 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Please Join Representative E. Werner Reschke (HD #35), Senator Dennis Linthicum (SD #28), and Representative Emily McIntire (HD #58) for a virtual town hall meeting. Senator Linthicum, Representative Reschke & Representative McIntire will speak on current legislation in Salem and anser pre-submitted questions.
To REGISTER, please EMAIL Hollie Lukens at along with the question you may have and who you would like to respond.
A link to the meeting will be sent the morning of the Virtual Town Hall on June 7th.
Thursday - June 8, 2023
Nothing is Scheduled for Public Hearing at this writing.
Please Review the Schedule, bills can be added at any time for Public Hearing
Friday - June 9, 2023
Nothing is Scheduled for Public Hearing at this writing.
Please Review the Schedule, bills can be added at any time for Public Hearing
Bills that need your attention & Emails!
Last week, HB 3501 received LOTS of testimonies! This bill would have allowed homeless tent cities in nearly every park and street in Oregon and allowed homeless people to sue you personally for $1,000 if you try to move them. It was scheduled for a public hearing last week, but this week, the committee chair removed it from the agenda.
This is an example these action alerts can have an impact. They are meant to cause the Democrats in charge to reconsider what they are doing and get them to stop. Below are ones that need your attention, please take the time to write l
In plain English, this bill will:
- Force taxpayers to fund medically forced termination of pregnancy without any limitations
- Eliminate parental rights to knowledge and consent for invasive medical procedures and surgeries for their children.
- Hide and protect medical practitioners and hospitals fro legal liabilities and accountability
- Decriminalize the unregulated, irresponsible, and open dumping of deceased human bodies
- Force taxpers to payers to pay for elective gender change surgeries
Bill Summary on OLIS: Modifies provisions relating to reproductive health rights. Modifies provisions relating to access to reproductive health care and gender-affirming treatment. Modifies provisions relating to protections for providers of and individuals receiving reproductive and gender-affirming health care services. Creates crime of interfering with a health care facility. Punishes by maximum of 364 days’ imprisonment, $6,250 fine, or both. Creates right of action for person or health care provider aggrieved by interference with health care facility. Makes statutory change to achieve gender neutral language with respect to unlawful employment discrimination because of sex. Declares public policy regarding interstate actions arising out of reproductive health care and gender-affirming treatment. Prohibits public body from participating in interstate investigation or proceeding involving reproductive health care and gender-affirming treatment. Creates exceptions. Prohibits clerk of court from issuing subpoena if foreign subpoena relates to reproductive health care or gender-affirming treatment. Declares that Oregon law governs certain actions arising out of reproductive health care or gender-affirming treatment provided or received in this state. Repeals criminal provisions relating to concealing birth. Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Higher Education Coordinating Commission for allocation to Office of Rural Health, for purposes of providing grants through rural qualified health center pilot project. Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Oregon Health Authority for specified expenses. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
HB 2279 – BAD
Repeals residency requirement in Oregon Death with Dignity Act.
This bill could make Oregon an assisted suicide tourist destination. It’s no secret that we do not have a culture of life here in Oregon, and this is just the latest example.
HB 3042 – BAD
Limits terminations and rent increases for three years after tenants’ housing is withdrawn from publicly supported housing. Requires owners or landlords to provide notice to new tenants and applicants during notice period before withdrawal from publicly supported housing. Allows Housing and Community Services Department to record extension of affordability restrictions for publicly supported housing if property owner misses certain deadlines. Allows department to record right of first refusal if no qualified purchaser makes an offer. Makes other amendments to publicly supported housing preservation program. Declares emergency, effective on passage
This bill would allow the government to change an agreement with a subsidized housing provider by limiting their recoup costs beyond the agreed timeframe. This sets a dangerous precedent by changing the rules mid-game. How will this attract more housing to solve our housing crisis? We should create certainty for housing providers, not changing the terms of contracts.
It is scheduled for a Work Session in the Senate Committee On Housing and Development on Monday, May 8, at 8:00 AM. Email the Committee Chair and ask him not to pass the bill.
SB 523 – GOOD
Authorizes community colleges to offer Bachelor of Science, Nursing degrees.
Community colleges have locally elected boards to keep them responsive to local needs. Rogue Community College has an excellent allied health program and is ready to expand to train nurses.
It is scheduled for a Work Session in the House Committee on Higher Education on Thursday, May 11, at 3:00 PM.
Your Voice is Needed Now!
Make Your Voice Heard – OLCC Trying to Raise Taxes on Booze
OLCC is seeking public comment on a proposed increase of the current 50-cent surcharge on each bottle of distilled spirits to one dollar per bottle.
The Commissioners heard initial testimony at their April 20 Commission meeting. You can watch the Oregon Restaurant and Lodging Association (ORLA) testimony on how this tax increase will hurt small bars and restaurants the most at a time when the Governor and the OLCC Commission should be supporting them.
The Commission will listen to additional verbal testimony at the May 18 meeting and will accept written comments through June 5, 2023.
As background, a temporary surcharge of fifty cents was first enacted in the 2009-2011 budget cycle and has been continued ever since, including the 2021-23 cycle. On top of that surcharge, Governor Kotek’s budget for 2023-25 includes a line item for an additional fifty-cent surcharge on distilled spirits which is estimated to raise $45.2 million for the general fund.
Please consider taking action on this by:
• Submitting written comments; visit ORLA’s Take Action page by June 5, 2023 at 5 PM to send a customized message to the Commissioners
Referred to Bills in Ways & Means - EMAIL NOW!
5-30-2023 Update: The work session scheduled for 5/31/2023 looks to have been cancelled! That’s all we know for now.
SB 348 -3 BM 114 Firearms
Work Session held on 4/4. Voted out of Senate Committee on Judiciary with 2 Nays (Senator Thatcher and Senator Linthicum) and 3 Ayes (Senator Gelser Blouin, Senator Manning, and Senator Prozanski). Referred to Ways and Means. A minority report has been submitted by Republicans.
"As you know, Measure 114 is on hold due to an injunction issued out of Harney County. A full trial is expected there in September. However, everything could change based on what actions the Legislature takes. In the meantime, the Oregon State Police are accepting your “suggestions” on how best to implement a “permit to purchase” policy that we all know will be every bit as chaotic and unworkable as their current “instant background check” system is.
Comments can be emailed to or mailed to:
Oregon State Police
Attn: Permit to Purchase Rulemaking
3565 Trelstad Ave. SE
Salem, OR 97317
You can offer your “suggestions” until May 22.
More information here: "-- Oregon Citizens Lobby Tweet
Federal Trial Update
Yesterday, the state presented an “expert” witness who hilariously claimed that it takes 5 seconds or more to change a magazine.
This false and absurd statement was made in an effort to convince the court that low capacity magazines will protect people in mass shootings by giving them time to run away.
To make his clearly ridiculous point, he theatrically and slowly counted down, 1….2…. 3.. and then commented on how many people could have run away in that time.
The “expert” made other equally and unfounded comments as the state continues to try to divert the court from the real issue of whether Measure 114 is constitutional. Instead, they continue to make arguments that the US Supreme Court has already ruled irrelevant.
At the heart of the state’s argument is their bizarre position that magazines are not “arms” and therefore can be regulated and banned.
Of course, the logical extension of that position is that ALL magazines can be banned by a vote of the masses or the legislature rendering modern firearms useless.
Whether the judge recognizes the magnitude of this very dangerous idea remains to be seen, but OFF’s witness, Damian Bunting, a private security professional, was able to make the point brilliantly and silence the state’s lawyers when he was asked whether he would switch to ten round magazines if the court allows this clearly unconstitutional measure to become law.
When he replied that he would not, the state’s lawyer was thrown off her prepared statements and searched her notes for what to say. Was Mr. Bunting admitting he would break the law?
It was then that Bunting accurately pointed out that any magazine for any of the firearms he carried would make him a criminal.
No matter how this judge rules, she is now on notice and cannot avoid the fact that she knows this measure will (among many other things) outlaw virtually all firearm’s magazines. It is simply impossible to imagine how anyone could consider that constitutional.
You can view this post in a browser here : Firearms Federation Tweet
Federal Trial Begins
Yesterday was the first day in OFF’s federal trial to stop the implementation of the very dangerous and unconstitutional Measure 114.
In addition to the limitless budget the state has to deny your rights, the judge has allowed an anti-gun organization to “intervene” adding to the army of lawyers working to undermine the Second Amendment in Oregon.
We are proud to note that OFF’s witnesses did an outstanding job of presenting the facts and the reality of this measure, in spite of the shameless attempts by the state to discredit and impeach them. Needless to say, the state failed.
No matter which way the judge rules, the harsh truth that this measure is far more expansive than the state pretends it is, will come out.
Adam Johnson, the owner of Coat of Arms firearms in Keizer, was able to skillfully place on the record that virtually all firearms magazines will be banned under this measure, not just those capable of holding over 10 rounds. This was something the judge clearly had never considered and was obviously surprised by.
Most questions by the state and the anti-gun intervenors were completely nonsensical and had nothing to do with the issues of the trial. But their cross examinations were surprisingly limited and it was clear they wanted to steer the arguments away from the facts of the case and use their time to attack our witnesses for the “crimes” of actually supporting gun rights or working in firearm’s related businesses.
The strategy of the state, from the start, has been to side step the issues and the clear dictates of the Supreme Court.
The state, and the anti-gun organizations who are in league with the state, are basing their entire argument on the fact that firearms and firearm’s magazines are used in crimes.
This is hardly a novel or compelling argument, and it is absurdly irrelevant. Of course firearms are used in crimes. But the state is also trying to imply that standard magazines are never used for lawful purposes, and in fact, are not even “arms” that are protected by the Second Amendment.
The state is using stats of the “average” number of rounds fired in self defense situations to imply that because that is fewer than ten, people are not even using ten round magazines in defensive situations. Since most modern firearms come from the manufacturer with magazines over ten rounds, and there are countless millions of them in the hands of law abiding gun owners, this is an utterly nonsensical position.
Unfortunately, it is a position the court seems happy to entertain.
(Even more absurd is the reality that if law abiding Oregonians are stripped of their right to own magazines, criminals will still be acquiring as many as they want by using any of the millions in circulation or simply crossing state lines to buy them from any gun store.)
But it should not even matter. The courts have clearly upheld the right to own arms for any lawful purpose and it is undeniable that countless thousands of people use standard capacity magazines for purposes in addition to self defense.
The argument that firearms and standard magazines are used in crime should not even be allowed to brought into this case. The Supreme Court in Bruin made it clear that the state cannot use a “balancing test”. If the Second Amendment protects it, it’s protected. So it is troubling that this irrelevant and completely emotional argument is being permitted.
What is not being allowed is the mountain of evidence our lawyers and volunteers have assembled demonstrating that the Oregon State Police are already not doing their job and almost certainly cannot complete the additional work Measure 114 will create for them.
The judge’s exclusion of this information and the cartel media’s refusal to acknowledge it will certainly color the outcome.
The Court has also made it clear that it intends to severely restrict discussion and arguments about the devastating “permit” system which will essentially end gun sales in this state.
The injunction placed on Mz 114 by a state judge will remain in effect until that trial which is scheduled for September.
The Federal trial will continue this week. The cartel media will continue to be the mouthpiece for the state and provide slanted and misleading propaganda about the proceedings. You can count on that.
Meanwhile, every effort has been made by the state to drag this battle out as long as possible. Our legal bills are enormous and continuing. Our legal team has been working non stop and will continue to all week.
You can view this post in a browser here: Oregon Firearms Federation Tweet
ALERT SB 891 Eliminates residency requirements for assisted suicide
Work Session held on 3/29 in Senate Committee on Judiciary. Voted out of committee with 2 Nays (Senator Thatcher and Senator Linthicum) and 3 Ayes (Senator Gelser Blouin, Senator Manning, and Senator Prozanski). Referred to Rules.
ALERT SB 530 Climate Change
This bill creates state policy regarding natural solutions and the Natural and Working Lands Fund. This bill directs the Oregon Global Warming Commission, ODOE and other state agencies to jointly coordinate on the development and prepare a net carbon sequestration and storage baseline for natural and working lands. A natural and working lands advisory committee will be create and will consist of 14 members.
Work Session held on 4/3 in Senate Committee on Natural Resources. Voted out of committee and referred to Ways and Means
Oregon Agriculture Bills to Support currently in Ways & Means
HB 2631 – Wolf Compensation with a 7x multiplier for lost cattle – $900,000-$1.2M
SB 471 – Wolf Compensation Fund – $800,000
SB 955 – AgStress – Suicide Prevention Call Line – $300,000
HB 2194 – ODA Grant Program to fund construction of meat rendering plants – $4M
HB 2907 – ODA Grant Program to fund establishments that process and sell meat products – $10M
HB 3247 – Support for OSU Veterinary Diagnostic Lab – $900,000
HB 5002 – Oregon Department of Agriculture Budget
SB 5509 – Restore Predator Control Funding (USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services) – Leveraging approximately 5:1 federal and county dollars to state dollars, respectively.
Status of Bills because you asked!
HB 2100 – Raises DMV Fees on Customers
This bill effectively raises fees across the board on the various services that the DMV offers, and unfortunately passed out of the Joint Committee on Ways & Means on a straight party-line vote. The fees most egregious to me centered around our truck drivers, raising their cost of entry into the profession at a time the state is investing in trying to get more drivers into the profession. A CDL will jump from $75 to $160, with testing going from $70 to $145. Oregonians are already hurting due to the ongoing inflationary crisis, and this bill only adds to that pain.
SB 819 – Full School Days for Disabled Students
One of the major bills scheduled to be up for debate this week was SB 819. This bill requires school districts to have parental consent before prescribing students with disabilities to abbreviated school days—eroding those students’ right to equal access to education. As you may know, House District 11 has some of the highest rates of special needs students in the state, and due to an arbitrary “cap” on the amount of SPED students allowed for the funding formula, our schools don’t receive the resources needed to fully support our SPED students’ education, resulting in things like abbreviated days. I feel SB 819 is part of a bigger, bipartisan effort to advocate for these students and the resources schools need to support them, and was disappointed to see it referred to the House Committee on Rules due to lack of support on the House Floor (despite passing the Senate 25-1, 4 exc.)
SJR 26/SB 744 – Taking Your Tax Kicker Refund
An attempt to take the people’s tax kicker refund was heard this week in the Senate. SJR 26 is a ballot referral that would propose to voters a change in Oregon’s Constitution to remove the requirement that tax revenues beyond what is budgeted be returned to tax payers. SB 744 is actual implementation policy that would go along with SJR 26 if it were to be passed by the people. Republicans continue to fight hard to make sure tax overages get paid back to our hard-working Oregonians.
SB 1089 – Beginnings of Universal Health Care
Stemming from the passage of Ballot Measure 111 from 2022, SB 1089 would stand up a Universal Health Plan governance board. This board would largely be responsible for making the recommendations to the Legislature of how to roll out the first-in-the-nation, universal health care plan, and probably more importantly, how to generate the billions of dollars in tax revenues to pay for it.
HB 2772 – Creating the Crime of Domestic Terrorism
In a political era where it is more popular to make things more legal, this is a rare bill moving through the Legislature this session that actually creates a crime. Aimed at truly egregious acts, HB 2772 would target criminals intentionally destroying critical infrastructure (think bridges or critical components of our power grid) or intentionally dispersing toxins where they will impact humans. The bill has a work session this morning in the Joint Committee on Ways and Means.
Are we missing a bill? Submit a Bill is now available! Submittal deadlines are Fridays by 5PM! We’ll try our best to get it on the list!
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Disclaimer: Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the various authors, and not necessarily each author’s employer, organization, committee or other group or individual.