Last Updated: 7/11/24 1:17 AM PST
Important Notice: If a bill comes in later than 5PM on Fridays, check here for updates & changes! We will not be sending additional emails!
Clicking the bill number will allow you access to more information on the bill via OLIS.
IMPORTANT: You have up to 48 hours on most bills after the Public Hearing to submit your testimony. Beware, the time could be 24 hours on some, so testify now!
Clicking Submit Testimony Button below each bill in the list will allow you to fill out the testimony form online or upload pre-written testimony to OLIS.
Links are provided for more information, testimonies on various sites, including OLIS as featured testimonies.
The bill text, any submitted amendments and testimony that may have already been submitted is available in the tabs at the top of the OLIS webpage.
By Clicking the “Register to Testify” tab on OLIS, you can fill out the form to sign up to testify remotely through Microsoft Teams for the bill either via Teams Video or on the phone.
The bills below, of course, do not incapsulate all the bills for the coming week. Bills could also be added to committee agendas at any time and after the work to put this list together.
Are we missing bill? SUBMIT A BILL every Friday by 5PM for distribution in the weekly alert!
Fight for Oregonin conjunction with Save America have provided the content this week. Listed below are Bills of Concern and Bills to Support that are coming up for Public Hearings this week and/or need your voice.
Your testimonies are greatly needed in the fight for Oregon! Our goal is to make it easy for you to testify and share! Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to these alerts! Encourage folks to subscribe!
Visit Weekly Alerts for a more updated version of this week’s bills! We are committed to NOT inundate your email box because these are a moving target and change daily, so the latest news will be on the website!
Please Review the Schedule, bills can be added at any time for Public Hearing
Bills to Support
Urgent Call to Action - Voter ID and US Citizenship Verification to Vote!
This week, two federal bills requiring states to verify citizenship eligibility for voting will be put to a vote in Congress. We urgently need your help to pass these crucial pieces of legislation! Please see the information below as received from Act for America regarding this urgent issue:
Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVEAct) S.4292 and H.R.8281 mandates that individuals must provide documentary proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote in federal elections. Key provisions include:
- Proof of Citizenship Requirement: States are prohibited from accepting and processing voter registration applications for federal elections unless the applicant presents documentary proof of U.S. citizenship at the time of application.
- Alternative Evidence: States must establish an alternative process allowing applicants to submit other evidence to demonstrate U.S. citizenship if they cannot provide standard documentary proof.
- Ongoing Verification: States must implement continuous verification programs to ensure only U.S. citizens are registered to vote, utilizing information from specified sources to identify non-citizens.
- Removal of Non-Citizens: States must remove non-citizens from their official lists of eligible voters.
- Legal and Criminal Penalties: The bill permits private lawsuits against election officials who register applicants without documentary proof of citizenship and establishes criminal penalties for such violations.
- Implementation Guidance: The Election Assistance Commission must issue and transmit implementation guidance to chief state election officials within 10 days of the bill’s enactment.
Act for America has aggressively advocated for Voter ID in all 50 states since 2020, generating 3.8 million direct-to-lawmaker emails and more, calling for strict proof of citizenship requirements for voters to register and vote at the polls for federal and state elections.
In 2020, the shocking truth emerged: none of the 50 states was adequately secure, allowing illegal aliens and non-citizens to access voter rolls and potentially vote in large numbers. Alabama blazed the trail by implementing strict Voter ID laws in that first year, and Ohio followed suit only last April, leaving 48 states still wide open for election fraud today. Lawsuits in several states, now resolved in our favor, hindered our progress in passing state legislation.
Twenty-four states have “motor voter” automatic voter registration for anyone acquiring a driver’s license or ID card without requiring proof of citizenship, affecting 42% of the U.S. population. This is a national security emergency!
That’s why it’s important for a federal law to streamline and enforce constitutional law and protect against foreign meddling!
States relying on the honor system for voter registration:
- 44 states do not require citizenship verification.
- 35 states have unstrict legal photo ID requirements to vote.
- 24 states automatically register voters.
- 8 states are all-mail voting, with only two requiring citizenship verification.
Battleground Vulnerabilities. If illegal populations in battleground states doubled and were mobilized to register, combined with targeting out-of-state and foreign students, it could sway the Presidential race and critical seats in the House and Senate.
A Two-Fold Challenge. Solid red states might face significant shifts, risking not only the Presidential race and key US House and Senate seats but also state representatives. The US Census has eliminated the distinction between citizens and non-citizens per household, potentially gaining up to 38 new congressional seats, which could threaten the conservative majority in the House.
Time is Running Out. We must unite and push for Voter ID laws in as many states as possible. The stakes have never been higher, with over 10 million illegal aliens arriving since 2020 under Biden’s policies, posing a significant threat to the sanctity of our elections and the stability of our Republic.
Alert! This campaign has been updated! Take 30 seconds to ACT NOW and help pass the SAVE Act and more! Click Below.
We make it easy for you to submit to your Representatives, to add something to share on Facebook or Twitter. Together we are stronger! Let your voice be heard NOW!
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”
–President Ronald Reagan
Are we missing a bill? Submit a Bill is now available! Submittal deadlines are Fridays by 5PM! We’ll try our best to get it on the list!
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